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MyMD Direct suggests watching these videos to further understand the Direct Primary Care medical model. ...

MyMD Direct will not bill your insurance company or collect insurance fees from you, we recommend that all our patients continue to participate in some form of insurance program. Despite the remarkable care you receive as a MyMD Direct patient, traditional insurance still has its place. Enjoy direct primary care and keep your insurance for specialist care, serious illness, and expensive, unforeseen events....

An increased use of the innovative health care delivery model called Direct Primary Care could lead to better outcomes for treatment of patients with chronic diseases, and that could mean cutting the incidence and severity of disabilities, according to this John Locke Foundation Policy Report....

This may be one of the most confusing topics encountered by DPC physicians, patients, and employers. DPC practices face detailed questions about these topics from employers, patients, accountants, attorneys, and policy makers. Hopefully these explanations will be useful. Remember that while Dr. Eskew is a licensed physician, attorney (member of the Kentucky Bar), and accounting major, he does not spend most of his time on tax issues and this discussion should not be deemed official tax advice....

Companies are increasingly adopting the Direct Primary Care model of employee healthcare. DPC’s streamlined approach offers precise mechanisms for cost control while increasing the quality of healthcare – all with no copays or deductibles to meet. While there are many advantages to providing DPC for both employers and employees, here are the Top 5 Reasons Companies Benefit From Direct Primary Care....

As burnout and job dissatisfaction rises among U.S. physicians, many have investigated switching to a Direct Primary Care (DPC) model as a form of relief. The alternative to traditional fee-for-service billing is seen by many as a way to refresh careers and return more of an office visit’s focus to the patient....

While Democrats and Republicans debate the merits and drawbacks of reforming America’s broken health insurance system, few policymakers are paying attention to perhaps the biggest reason health insurance is so expensive: The actual cost of healthcare, which insurers have to pay, is out of control....

The direct primary care (DPC) model gives family physicians a meaningful alternative to fee-for-service insurance billing, typically by charging patients a monthly, quarterly, or annual fee. This fee covers all or most primary care services including clinical and laboratory services, consultative services, care coordination, and comprehensive care management....