Direct Primary Care Can Rein in America’s Out-of-Control Healthcare Costs

Direct Primary Care Can Rein in America’s Out-of-Control Healthcare Costs

Article Attribution: This is an from an article from Washington Examiner
Original Author:  Lee S. Gross

While Democrats and Republicans debate the merits and drawbacks of reforming America’s broken health insurance system, few policymakers are paying attention to perhaps the biggest reason health insurance is so expensive: The actual cost of healthcare, which insurers have to pay, is out of control.

There are many reasons the cost of providing healthcare has been steadily rising in most sectors of the healthcare industry. One of the most important is that the traditional health insurance model wastes piles of cash. It pays health insurers to act as middlemen between patients and their doctors. Patients continue to use their health insurance to pay for virtually every healthcare service, including those that they could easily pay for on their own, like primary care visits, flu shots, and routine exams.

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